The PA Dairymen’s Association was proud to be a part of this summer’s Milk Drive giveaways with partners such as: American Dairy Association North East, Dairy Farmers of America and Harrisburg Dairies.
More than 4,000 gallons of milk through drive-through distributions was given to Pennsylvania families amid coronavirus pandemic In June. In July, once again thousands of gallons of milk were distributed.
The distribution was made possible through the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program, funded through government grants to provide the community with food for those in need.
Thank you to our local news partners for helping to promote this valuable service!
- Dairy Farmers Support Milk Giveaways
- More than 4,000 gallons of milk being given away to Pennsylvania families amid coronavirus pandemic
- Program helping to give away free milk to Dauphin County families
- Free milk distribution this week in the Midstate
- Free milk distribution to those in need set for next week in Dauphin, Lebanon counties
- Free Milk Distributions Available for Harrisburg/Hershey-Area Residents