Over the past nine years, the PA Dairymen have donated more than $4.5 million to programs including The Calving Corner; agricultural and educational projects; initiatives and various scholarships; the Fill A Glass with Hope® fresh milk campaign for neighbors in need; the Choose PA Dairy consumer education and awareness campaign; Adopt a Cow elementary school program; educational farm visits for career development; Future Farmers of America (FFA) youth projects; the PA Farm Bureau Mobile Ag Education Lab that travels to schools; and the PA Dairy Princess and Promotion Program. Their philanthropic efforts build a brighter future for all Pennsylvanians.

Fill a Glass with Hope®
The Pennsylvania Dairymen’s Association has been supporting “Fill a Glass with Hope®” with agriculture partners, Feeding PA, American Dairy Association North East, corporate partners and food banks since 2015. In fact, we helped launch the first statewide charitable fresh milk distribution program in the U.S. with Feeding Pennsylvania and American Dairy Association North East. Fill a Glass with Hope® has provided more than 36 million servings of milk to families in need.
Did you know that approximately 1 in 6 kids in PA face hunger? Together, we can Fill a Glass with Hope® so no one goes without fresh milk.

Choose PA Dairy: Goodness That Matters
We’re Proud to be a Partner in the Statewide Campaign “Choose PA Dairy: Goodness That Matters”. Making the choice to buy local milk is important for your health, your family’s health, your local community and the commonwealth.
Pennsylvania-produced milk and dairy products can be found in grocery stores, markets and local restaurants.